Our first Belize Vacation!  Question: Presently is Safety and Security an issue?

Is Belize Safe

Is Belize Safe? You’ve made your plans, but now wonder how safe Belize is.  The short answer is, Yes.  But remember, safety really begins with awareness of your surroundings, and awareness of yourself when in public places.

There are different aspects of safety you may be wondering about including crime, health, and road safety.

Friendly Licensed Tour Guide

Be Sensible and Stay Safe

We want you to feel safe while you enjoy your Belize vacation. So, be aware of your surroundings and use the same precautions when visiting any new destination. Here is a list of things to consider when traveling in Belize:

San Ignacio Farmer's Market
  • Only share details of your trip, itinerary, accommodations or other personal information with people that need to know. And most people in Belize won’t need to know. Exceptions would be your accommodations & tour operators that you hire.
Is Belize Safe
  • Don’t travel with large amounts of cash.  And it’s better to use Belize dollars – even though U.S. dollars are legal tender here.  No need to exchange money prior to arrival.  Just use the local ATMs to withdraw Belize dollars.
  • When in touristy areas, don’t leave your belongings unattended. Don’t make it easy for any would-be thieves.
  • It’s easy to let inhibitions run rampant, but excess drinking (alcohol) can lead to unsafe situations. Drinking too much alcohol leads to less awareness of what’s happening around you and can make you more vulnerable to crimes of opportunity.
  • Obviously, obey the laws.  For example, drinking alcohol while on a public sidewalk/street is illegal.
  • Be vigilant – establish boundaries, observe your environment, be aware of people around you, trust your intuition
  • Don’t wear/carry flashy jewelry or expensive electronics.

Is Belize Safe? Safety Tips While Traveling and Touring

Belize Taxi License Plate

Select your transportation carefully when traveling around Belize. Green License plates indicate a registered/legal taxi. Don’t get into an unmarked car or illegal taxi. The safest way to travel around Belize is with a government-registered taxi service, a tour company or your accommodation’s transportation service.

This is especially true if you’re visiting some of our more isolated areas, like Caracol.  Hire a certified tour company/guide like Belize Caving Expeditions.

Belize Caving Expeditions

If you plan to rent a car and drive yourself, please review our Blog on Travel Tips in Belize

Is Belize Safe Everywhere?

Still wondering is Belize safe? Most crimes that visitors may encounter are crimes of opportunity, like petty theft of unattended items in touristy areas.  Violent crime aimed at tourists is rare (usually associated with tourists engaging in illegal activity themselves).  However Belize City IS a high-risk crime area, and can be dangerous.  For this reason we recommend avoiding Belize City at night.  There really is no other place to avoid in Belize.

Stay Healthy Tips

Belize is a clean country, but take some precautions:

Street Food Vendor
  • Street Food. Most street food vendors are registered and comply with Sanitary guidelines (licensed annually).  Enjoy the cultural fares offered by street food vendors!
  • Speed bump vendors.  You may notice vendors selling food/drink items at the speed bumps.  For the most part, those sales are unregulated, but unless you have a super-sensitive stomach there’s no reason to avoid experiencing more of our Belizean culture.
  • Water. The tap water in Belize is basically safe to drink.  Remote areas with well-water tend to have high calcium & minerals – but still safe to drink.  However, bottled water is readily available and is much cheaper than in the U.S.
  • Sun. The Belize sun can be brutal!  Make sure you apply sunscreen and limit your exposure during the hottest part of the day, from 1-3pm. If you can’t limit your exposure, wear a hat.
  • Mosquitoes & Biting Gnats (no-see-ums). Like most countries, Belize has biting bugs. apply insect repellent liberally, preferably with Deet.

Don’t be afraid to travel – be prepared to travel

If you are still asking yourself, is Belize Safe, following these tips can help you travel safely in Belize. But no matter how many precautions you take the unexpected could happen. These tips and some common sense should ensure your Belize vacation is fun, safe and unforgettable!

Is Belize Safe

For additional Belize Travel Tips, check out these links:

What to Pack for a Belize Vacation

What NOT to Pack for a Belize Vacation

What’s the Weather Really Like in Belize?

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